Thursday, November 28, 2013

It's Now All Gone

On September 22, 2011 I started what would generally be known as, "the basement layout"; this layout, actually (note that this is a different layout than the NS modern shelf layout I've been posting about more recently).

It was intended to be an On30 road based on an Iain Rice track plan, "Blue Hills and Yonder".  Over the past 2 years it transformed into many things and even changed scales a number of times, but one thing it never did was become a working railroad.

Two weekends ago I tore down the last bits of it.  It is now completely gone.  It's a story all to common, and before it's completely gone from my memory, I wanted to write down some lessons I've learned about model railroading over the past several years.  Some are big and others are small, but hopefully the next time I get some grand vision, I can have a bit of a "reality check" with what I've written here.

Lessons Learned:

  • It's possible to measure what chance you have of actually finishing a layout you imagine.  Simply sit down and write a step-by-step list of what tasks need to happen for it to be built.  The more specific you can make the list, the better chance you have of actually finishing it.
  • Looking at pictures of someone else's successful layout does not automatically give you the skill to do the same.  As with everything else, it takes a lot of practice in the times the camera isn't take pictures.  Invest time in practicing model railroading skills.
  • The trains have to run.
  • A layout's theme is much less important than the time and money you have on hand.
  • Track plans are only half of the story.  A scenery plan is the part that's easy to miss.
  • RTR vs. scratchbuilt is somewhat irrelevant.  The real magic is in finishing (detailing, painting, weathering, etc.)
  • Use magazines, articles, forums, and blog posts as a starting point, but don't spend too much time researching any one thing.  It's usually better to just try it out yourself to see if it works than spending hours reading if other people think it works.

  • Invest in the right tools.  They make a big difference.  Given the choice between waiting 6 months to do something right so that you can buy a good tool to get it done, versus doing it now, it's generally better to just wait.
  • If you're planning a layout, at a minimum, you should be able to answer how many structures your layout will have (and be accurate within 2 or 3).  If you can't, you probably don't have a solid scenery plan.
  • Build a structure kit and keep track of how long it takes.  Multiply that by how many structures you have on your layout, and figure out how long it will take to build structures for the whole layout.  Make sure you're comfortable with that final number.
  • If you're planning a layout, you should probably own 1/3 of the structures kits and rolling stock before you start the layout.  If you don't, you run the risk that you might realize that structure kits and rolling stock for your layout theme are a lot harder to come by than you initially thought (or they're a lot more expensive than you thought).
  • If you're planning a layout with mostly scratchbuilt buildings and scratchbuilt rolling stock, you should have at least 1/3 of those structures and rolling stock built before starting on the layout.  If you can't commit that much to it before even starting the layout, then chances are you probably won't get past the benchwork and track.
  • Pick a more glossy paint for the fascia.  It's far less resistant to looking horrible when you accidentally brush scenery material against it.  It also doesn't need to be forest green.
  • Tortoise turnout controls are loud as heck.  And slow.
  • Make the fascia detachable.  The seamless look is nice, but the functionality of being able to detach the fascia vastly outweighs it.
  • Layout's are difficult to move between spaces.  Don't stress out too much about making the layout so it can be moved to a new home or new room.  Do take time to consider has you can preserve work in scratchbuilt structures when the move does happen though.
  • Suitcase connectors are awesome.  They cost more but make wiring so much more pleasant.
  • Figure out and install the lighting before you build the layout, unless the layout is portable, in which case build the layout first to gain momentum on the project.
  • Making videos or taking pictures of your progress helps you and others.  It's a good source of feedback and if you ever forget what you've accomplished, it can be encouraging to look back and see.
  • Don't use pine boards or "furring strips".  They're going to warp, every single time.
  • Foamcore is an amazing planning tool.
  • If you're not retired, it's probably not a good time yet to start on that basement empire.  Projects with a smaller scope can be just as interesting.  Smaller doesn't necessarily mean pocket sized either.


  1. Do you consider your shelf layout "portable"? I'm interested in your thoughts about lighting as they pertain to your shelf. Are you saying, "If I had it to do over again I wouldn't spend the time on lighting my shelf layout--I would build the layout first to gain momentum"?

    Curious because I'm in much your same position. I have a huge basement in which I started building a monster layout--in my case way ahead of my skill/experience level. I stopped and have now retreated to a sixteen foot shelf. I'm fighting what I call "scope-creep" with every step--always going back to the drawing board to "keep it simple" and "get something running".

    I've considered installing lighting for my shelf. My room lighting is already sufficient--just not "model-rail-roady". What are your thoughts?


  2. The NS shelf layout is "dismantle-able" and movable at the loss of the backdrop, but not quite portable. I designed how the lighting would be done before starting and installed it before the trains were running but after the shelf was built. There were a few places that I needed to account for the lighting very early on; Example: the backdrop was one of the first things to go up and it needed slits where the shelf arms that would hold the lighting would go. It was much easier to cut those before I put the backdrop up. On the shelf layout the order was basically: backdrop, shelf, lighting, track, trains. The key, and what I was trying to get at with that bullet point, is some things related to lighting are much easier to handle before you build the layout, and you should do those first as much as possible. I only spent an handful of extra minutes to figure that out the lighting plan and it saved me a lot of hassle in the long run.

    If the lighting is distracting then it's probably worth dealing with. If the room lighting isn't distracting then you might be able to leave it alone for a while. A non-committal way of dealing with lighting issues is to install track lighting. This gives you the flexibility of being able to move and reconfigure lights as your layout evolves or your interest changes. It's also easy to try different bulb colors to see what you like best.

    Owning a basement empire railroad represents the cost and maintenance equivalent to purchasing and upkeeping a 30 foot sailing yacht and the initial time commitment to build it of an 40/hr/week job for a number of years, but this aspect is rarely if ever mentioned. A life-long goal of mine has always been to build a replica of the San Juan Central. About a year ago I purchased the track which was just a little under $500. For a layout that's only 8x10 and considered "small" by hobby standards, I estimate the total cost of the layout to be somewhere around $2500-3000 once all the structures, engines, and rolling stock are purchase. And this is considered a "beginning" entry to the hobby. At $37.50 per square foot, it's about the same cost as a professionally finished basement or house addition would cost. The original basement space I had set aside for the layout is 34x15, which would put a completed layout at just a tad over the $20k mark. Honestly, if I had 20k lying around I could think of much more interesting things to spend it on.

  3. And yet despite all of the logic and reasoning about why a monster basement is a "bad idea", I know exactly the scope-creep trap that you are referring to. I think the driver of this the worry that somehow after all this time and effort and money are invested in a layout it won't be exciting and will become boring. And, by extension, that this effect is somehow mitigated by there being more track and more sidings and more industries.

    Understanding that irrational direction that I tended towards is part of what brought me to build a one turnout layout. I am continually amazed at how interesting it is. The operational potential, as Mindheim points out, is related to the number of unique car spots, not the turnout count or the size of the layout*. But the asterisk he doesn't mention directly, and this is the important part regarding layout size, is that there needs to be an equivalent relationship between the number of unique car spots and the amount of track for those car spots to be exercised on. If there are 5 unique car spots, then you need to have enough track to allow 5 cars and the engine to drive onto both before and after a turnout. This is actually a flaw I've noticed with a number of shelf layout plans I've seen in magazines or that people have posted online.

    For the moment, I've taken to having less ambition regarding building a layout, and more ambition regarding building models and structures. Of all the bullet points above, the one I think is the most relevant to me is, "Looking at pictures of someone else's successful layout does not automatically give you the skill to do the same. As with everything else, it takes a lot of practice in the times the camera isn't take pictures. Invest time in practicing model railroading skills." I was watching a movie series by Dave Frary on building a module, and before starting the module he had already built, weathered, and detailed all the structure kits. The module was an operational display for his models rather than the end in itself. The line of thought is something I've been pondering lately. Building huge layouts is akin to building a 20 car garage when most of us only own 1 or 2 cars. If we don't have enough models (structures, rolling stock, etc) to fill up such a large layout, why do we think we need to build it?

    By the way, your use of "scope creep" makes me think you work in the same industry as me, because that's a really popular phrase in my industry.

  4. Likely the same industry: I.T. I'm a programmer.

    I've always wanted a layout. I've started three now. Finished zero. The first two met their demise because money was tight as I was young and raising kids. Now with the kids grown and gone I started the third (a 4x8 that I thought was achievable). I ditched it this past summer when I moved into a house with a 19x43 basement. In retrospect I might should have gone on and completed it--for the experience if nothing else. But I met a group of "operations" guys about a year ago and working with them made me seriously question the track plan--admittedly it was boring. Anyway, I launched off building benchwork around this huge basement only to discover Lance and others who espouse narrow shelf layouts. Now I'm stepping back and doing just a small shelf layout so that I can get some experience--some building skills. The big layout will come later when I retire--or at least after I have at least one successful layout under my belt.

    I enjoyed your videos. I wish you continued success in the hobby.

