Sunday, December 9, 2012

Workshop Update

Rounding out the weekend I managed to get a lot done.

Remember last time I mentioned I wanted to address the utilities?  Here's the incarnation of that idea:

A rolling pegboard partition wall (you can see the casters down below).  It was harder to build than I had anticipated, if only because of it's size.  It's 6 1/2 ft. tall by 6 1/2 ft. long and 4 ft deep.  I hadn't anticipated the weight with all the sheets on it when I had to set it up right.  In any case it worked out well and I feel that the work area lost some of that "in the basement" feel if only just a small bit.

I also fixed up the lighting and brought the tracks out to the rest of the area as can be seen in both of these shots.

I ended up moving the workbench from where I had initially planned.  While I was working on building the bench and partition I realized how useful having an open area to work would be, especially for building model railroad sections/modules.  The shot above shows from the same perspective that I've been taking pictures from and you can see the open space.

Eventually I'd like to add a 2nd work bench for wood working, a spray booth, a utility sink, and maybe a small photo tent thing.

I still need to finish the workbench shelving and then I'll probably start "moving in".

I'm starting to think I'm eliminating excuses for not building some great models now...

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