Sunday, July 29, 2012


Well, I just sent off a few mail order orders for a bag of samples.

Turnout Controls
I've been having trouble with my under-the-table turnout controls (Fast Tracks Bullfrog).  So given that, I'm going to try 1 each of the 3 other manufacturers, the Circuitron Tortoise, the Blue Point Turnout Controller, and the Proto:87 Store's "Mole".  Of the 3, I think most of my hopes are on the Mole.  It's small, affordable, and powered.  It's like the tortoise and the blue point combined, but at the price of the blue point.

On my Proto:87 store order, I also added on a $10 sample bag of micro spikes.  Many modelers use Micro Engineer's spikes, but the Proto:87 store has taken spike size a new extreme.  I was interested to play around with these in person, so I ordered a sample bag that includes at least one of every size they offer.

And lastly, I've had a bit of a "path of least resistance" when it comes to model railroading.  If something was hard to get, I would just avoid it.  Homasote really fits into that category.  Well, I figured I might as well try it at least once.  The California Roadbed Co. Inc. sells a product it calls "Homabed" which is Homasote pre-cut to match roadbed size.  They offer sample packs which are on sale for $1 each (and $10 shipping).  I ordered two different sized sample kits just to give them a whirl.  We'll see.

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