If you haven't yet heard, Blackstone announced Unitrack for HOn3 this weekend.
Announcement: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HOn3/message/78914
Pictures: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150874868884330&set=a.355660514329.153989.150054244329&type=1&theater
It seems the HOn3 annual is breaking the news. The track is expected as soon as Fall 2012 and will initially be offered with only two pieces, 19" radius and straight. A starter pack will also be available. As Blackstone usually does they're taking pre-orders ahead of time to gauge interest. They say turnouts will follow shortly.
The cost for a completely oval is $90. Each track piece is $4.56 each and comes in pack of 4 (so $18.25 for a pack). It takes 8 curved sections to make a 180º turn.
The introduction of this product is interesting and the HOn3 yahoo groups seems to be leaning more on the postive side. Of course there are already those complaining that code 70 is too large or the radius too tight, but HOn3 has it's fair share of complainers.
Overall I suspect it will be difficult to say something bad about Blackstone bringing this product to market. In the short term I will likely pickup a set when turnouts are available. Having a handful of turnouts and straights would offer the chance to have a "rotating" yard layout in my office/loft and try out different yard layouts and operating strategies.
In the longer term I'm hoping this will make HOn3 more attractive to manufacturers and we'll see an overall growth of HOn3 products all around.
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