Wednesday, March 28, 2012

TCT: Backdrop

As I mentioned last time, I wanted to formulate a plan for a simple and removable backdrop.  After thinking it over for a few days I came up with such an idea which seems to be successful.  In the past I've laminated together pieces of material with lesser thickness together with success.  I decided to try that approach again, but instead to use the lamination process to create a rabbet joint.

If you're not familiar with wood jointery, a rabbet joint is a half-lap joint on the end of a board.

Typically this type of joint is cut with a table saw.  However in my case I simulated a rabbet joint by laminating together two pieces of 1/4" plywood to make a 1/2" backdrop stand with a 1/4" rabbet joint.

On the outer two "legs" of the backdrop support, I cut a 1" groove on the outer edge.  This gives the backdrop a shape as follows:

With everything built for this section I went ahead and started doing some initial coats of painting.  The fascia got 3 coats of primer plus a sanding, followed by 2 coats of final color.  I think another standing and one more coat will do it.

The backdrop got 3 coats of primer.

After this evening, this section is now looking pretty good!

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