It turns out the Rio✰Chama Central was running a special commemorative holiday excursion train today. I happened to snap a picture of caboose #8586 before it pulled out of the station. This caboose hasn't been in service for the better part of 60 years. Also present was a selection of older D&RGW rolling stock.
Alright, well maybe that didn't really happen quite like that...
I should clarify just exactly what Rio✰Chama Central is: it's a layout idea. It's a completely fictitious railroad I dreamed up in my head but yet to which I possess the ability to fabricate in the form of logos and photoshop'ed pictures. It's a layout idea that's about going with the flow instead of making rules for myself that push things into obscurity and difficulty. It's about just building something instead of pontificating about it for months on end.
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