Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Reflection

I was reading something last night (2011 Narrow Gauge Convention Report) which made me reflect on the ideas I wrote about yesterday.  The author was looking back on the success of his own Sn2 module group and wrote...

The Fn3 Sundance Central (Florida), On30 Bear Creek (Columbus, OH), and On30 Muskrat Ramble (Austrailia) all seemed to have more viewers than the Sn2 crew layout. Which gave me pause to think why? Theories:
Larger Scales with Dominating Sound
The first three are not things we can easily change on the Sn2 Crew layout.  The 4th is something that I could do more of on my Sn2 modules.  Honestly, my modules lack enough detail to be worthy of comparison with the above mentioned layouts.  I’ll have to correct that in the future.
Interestingly, none of the above layouts is Prototype.  They are all free-lanced.   Sn2 Free-mo also lets me model prototype scenes the essence of my SR&RL modeling.   

I added the emphasis.  Yesterday I had put forth the idea that to choose a railroad theme with longevity, one should lean towards things that are neutral and conservative.  However the above excerpt got me thinking:  If I look back on all the layouts that inspired me none of them are prototype based, all are free-lanced, and most were leaning hard to an extreme.

In other words the layouts that stick out in my mind are the extreme ones.

Still deciding what to make of all this...

1 comment:

  1. One other thing about the Sn2 stuff ... it's not what most people think of when they think NG. It's not vast mountain vistas with tiny trains struggling through them, or rustic old buildings and forests. When I saw it in St. Louis last year, it reminded me of the Kansas plains ... boring scenery.
